Saturday, October 27, 2018

Period Fireplace.

Some of the problems I am finding with the Internet have been terribly obvious this week.  I want to know more about building a period fireplace.  I search with every possible combination of words to find period designs, to find construction videos...anything really that will give me a clue as to how to begin. 
The problem I find is that first of all, no matter what I input, all I get is results of how to hire a local contractor.  It also offers ways to purchase fireplace inserts or mantle shelves or any number of ways to purchase something.  But the Internet and you tube is determined to be of no help whatsoever with design and construction. 
I would think that perhaps no one wants to be responsible for giving faulty advice and then be responsible for a fire in someone's house , but it is painfully easy to find ways to slap together a mud and stone fireplace that is so obviously dangerous that it is frightening.  I cannot figure out why this is so terribly difficult.
 So while I am still writing about period houses, I am going to make it my mission to provide the information that I can to help you out.  Now I am not a mason, and I cannot give full instructions on how to do this, but having lived with plenty of 18th century fireplaces, I can at least describe what I know 
So painfully slowly, I will add to this and the period house posts so that we can get a relatively comprehensive set of instruction for both goals.  So, be patient.

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