Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Shiplap for the Ceiling.

I like wood...good wood...but very little wood is good...Does this seem a little like a rhyme?
Also, the amber tones and the browns and beiges of wood, make the space appear smaller than it is.  So everything will be white, with a light stone blue or pebble grey trim.  The ceiling will outrage people if I paint it, so the plan is to paint it with thinned white paint, then wipe it off, so the grain will be there, and the whiteness will continue onto the ceiling....the best of both worlds.
You cannot see them in this picture, but I am using huge cut nails with a thick head.  They will be exposed, I think this will add some interest and nostalgia to a large expanse of nothing much.
I may also use rose headed nails to attach moldings as well, for additional interest...I will try a couple and see how I like it.

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